Gustav-Adolf Schoener attained his Doctorate in Philosophy from the Institute of Philosophy at Leibniz University in Hannover /Germany and further achieved his habilitation at the Institute of Religious Studies. His primary areas of research and teaching revolve around religions, worldviews, and esotericism as manifested in antiquity, early modern times, and modernity in the history of European religion. Moreover, he is a language teacher for Latin and Ancient Greek at the Institute of Theology within Leibniz University.
Dr. Robert Hand (UAC 1986): „Astrology is applied mysticism“
Astrology as the Ritual to experience the Numinosum – the unknowable Archetypes – the children of „Nous“. – An attempt to come into Cautious Contact with the Self.
„Schicksal und Seele sind zwei Begriffe für dasselbe Prinzip“ – Georg Philipp Friedrich von Hardenberg (Novalis) – Liz Greene – Seite 24 in „Schicksal und Astrologie“ –
Theurgy and the Soul is a study of Iamblichus of Syria (ca. 240-325), whose teachings set the final form of pagan spirituality prior to the Christianization of the Roman Empire. – Iamblichus (ca. 242–ca. 325) was a Syrian Neoplatonist and disciple of Porphyry of Tyre –
Thesis: Astrology as the teaching of Primordial Principles not of the stars or planets. – Therefore the Planets can never be causes – only signs as representative for one of the seven Primordial Principles – now ten. – As above so below. – The Horoscope as the teaching and learning Plan for the life of the Individual. – Lord not my will, but your will be done. –
Wilhelm Gundel: Neue astrologische Texte des Hermes Trismegistos : Funde und Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der antiken Astronomie und Astrologie. Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften : Philosophisch-Historische Abteilung Bd. 12. München 1936 – Kapitel Fixsterne – Aufstellung von 72 hellen Sternen – Seite 123 ff – kommentiert von Anonymus 379 A.D. – s.a. den Sternenkatalog bei Rhetorius Kapitel 58 –
Bücher: Astrologie des Lichts und Wege zu den Sternen
„Shamanic astrology recognizes that the planets have a LIVING ESSENCE. One that works differently from our human version of consciousness, but no less Real. And that this living spirit is something with which we can interact.“ … „In ancient Greece and Rome, astrology was used to help you identify your guardian spirits. The healer-seers of the Ascelipian dream temples used dreamwork and guided visualizations to bring healing and wholeness. Neoplatonists used astral theurgy to commune with the planets to forge a path toward enlightenment.“ … „So there’s no conflict that I’m both a traditional astrologer and a shamanic astrologer.“
The Astrologer as a Priest / Priestess in the Temple of Astrology
Theurgy and the Soul is a study of Iamblichus of Syria (ca. 240-325), whose teachings set the final form of pagan spirituality prior to the Christianization of the Roman Empire. – Iamblichus (ca. 242–ca. 325) was a Syrian Neoplatonist and disciple of Porphyry of Tyre –
in Monomoiria, Decans, Terms (Bounds) and Dodekatemoria
Dr. Robert Hand (UAC 1986): „Astrology is applied mysticism“
Astrology as the Ritual to experience the Numinosum – the unknowable Archetypes – the children of „Nous“. – An attempt to come into Cautious Contact with the Self.
„Schicksal und Seele sind zwei Begriffe für dasselbe Prinzip“ – Georg Philipp Friedrich von Hardenberg (Novalis) – Liz Greene – Seite 24 in „Schicksal und Astrologie“ –
Thesis: Astrology as the teaching of Primordial Principles not of the stars or planets. – Therefore the Planets can never be causes – only signs as representative for one of the seven Primordial Principles – now ten. – As above so below. – The Horoscope as the teaching and learning Plan for the life of the Individual. – Lord not my will, but your will be done. –
Shu Yap is a consulting astrologer, teacher and writer from Central Victoria, Australia on Dja Dja Wurrung Country. For Shu, astrology is a way of life, not just a livelihood. Her practice influences every aspect of her life as a grower, beekeeper and regenerative farmer. Inspired by Hermetic philosophy, Shu practices traditional astrology, embodying a sky-centred approach to her art. Certified at the Melbourne School of Astrology and the School of Traditional Astrology in Horary and Traditional Medical Astrology, Shu runs an international consulting practice, lectures worldwide, mentors individual students and writes weekly planetary news on The Interpsycle Observator.
Georg Philipp Friedrich von Hardenberg – „Fate and Soul are two terms for the same Principle“ – Liz Greene – Page 24 in „Schicksal und Astrologie“ –
The Astrology of Hermes Trismegistos – Theurgy – Talismans – Magic – Dreamwork – Spiritism / Medium Workshops
Theurgy and the Soul is a study of Iamblichus of Syria (ca. 240-325), whose teachings set the final form of pagan spirituality prior to the Christianization of the Roman Empire. – Iamblichus (ca. 242–ca. 325) was a Syrian Neoplatonist and disciple of Porphyry of Tyre –
Astrology as an Alchemical Manifestation
Firmicus Maternus – Book II – Chapter 31 – Textbooks versus engaging our Divine Mind.
Agrippa von Nettesheim
Three Books of Occult Philosophy (English Edition) –
Thesis: Astrology as the teaching of Primordial Principles not of the stars or planets. – Therefore the Planets can never be causes – only signs as representative for one of the seven Primordial Principles – now ten. – As above so below. – The Horoscope as the teaching and learning Plan for the life of the Individual. – Lord not my will, but your will be done. –
Only when the soul is coupled back to reason and spirit (nous) is it free to will.
Metaphysik und Religion: p.315 ff:
„Through its origin in the spirit, the soul of man is always already free in itself. – But the soul only realizes its freedom for itself when it is active in the spirit. – …For Plotinus, the rationally determined will is not distinct from the virtuous will. – …These contents of the thinking cognition of the spiritual soul are the ideas immanent to the divine spirit…which is why for Plotinus the freedom of the will of the human soul is ultimately founded in the … spiritual soul…“
To ponder as a Reality
Dr. Robert Hand (UAC 1986): „Astrology is applied mysticism“
Astrology as the Ritual to experience the Numinosum – the unknowable Archetypes – the children of „Nous“. – An attempt to come into Cautious Contact with the Self.
The Divine Oracle as mouthpiece of the Divine – A direct channel to „Nous“ and the „Anima Mundi“ – the Mandala of the Horoscope to meet Poimandres of the Red Book of C.G. Jung – Delineating as a Sacred Ritual.
The Planets with Dignities as Nobility-Dignitaries – Queen/King – Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount or Baron – in Germany Kaiser, König, Herzog, Fürst, Graf, Baron, Freiherr, Ritter, Edler und Junker.
„My name is Mel Priestley and I’m an astrologer and professional writer based in Edmonton, Alberta. I’ve been studying astrology since I was a teenager and started formal study in 2020, after the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn (which was right on top of my Midheaven). I completed the Fundamentals of Natal Astrology certificate at Kepler College in 2021. I currently serve on the executive committee of the Edmonton Astrological Society. – I began my writing career over 15 years ago with a weekly wine column for SEE Magazine, a local (and now defunct) alt-weekly paper in Edmonton. I moved to Vue Weekly, Edmonton’s other alt-weekly (also now defunct) in 2010. I freelanced for Vue for many years and wrote hundreds of stories about wine, food, theatre and local news. I was also an editor for Vue (News and Food/Drinks) between 2014 and 2016. – Since 2016, I have written for many other publications on a variety of topics. Visit the Publications page for some of my recent writing credits. – To book an astrology consultation with me, please visit the EarthShine Astrology page. – Need to contact me? Email:“
Dr. Robert Hand (UAC 1986): „Astrology is applied mysticism“
Astrology as the Ritual to experience the Numinosum – the unknowable Archetypes – the children of „Nous“. – An attempt to come into Cautious Contact with the Self.
The Astrological Queen as High Priestess of Selene and the Kabbalistic Cosmology- – The Divine Oracle as mouthpiece of the Divine – A direct channel to „Nous“ and the „Anima Mundi“ – the Mandala of the Horoscope to meet Poimandres of the Red Book of C.G. Jung – Delineating as a Sacred Ritual.
The Planets with Dignities as Nobility-Dignitaries – Queen/King – Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount or Baron – in Germany Kaiser, König, Herzog, Fürst, Graf, Baron, Freiherr, Ritter, Edler und Junker.
The Academy derives from the natural development of the Escola de Astrologia Integrada (School of Integrated Astrology), founded in 1999 by Helena Avelar and Luis Ribeiro. – From 2004 on of the School expanded its goals, turning into a centre of research of the astrological tradition, and it was renamed Academy of Astrological Studies. While maintaining its goals, standards and purposes, it expanded to accommodate the academic dimension. –
An international and multidisciplinary project for the study of the history of western astrological doctrines, techniques, and practices from antiquity to the early modern period – – –
Astra is an international, multidisciplinary academic project for the study of the history of western astrological doctrines, techniques, and practices from antiquity to the early modern period. The project is housed in CIUHCT (Interuniversitary Centre for the History of Science and Technology), University of Lisbon, and its developed in partnership with The Warburg Institute, University of London. The main focus is on the History of Astrology, specifically astrological techniques, and it is open to collaboration with related areas, such as the history of astronomy, medicine, magic, geography, and philosophy. The goal is the study of the history of astrological practices in western culture, by a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the main texts and textual traditions. This entails the study of traditions, concepts, techniques and practices from many perspectives such as historical, mathematical and linguistic.
Friedrich Feerhov – I. Theoretische Begründung der kosmischen Einflüsse auf das Leben des Menschen II. Die Krankheitsbestimmung aus dem Horoskop III. Die Therapie auf der Grundlage der Nativität
Grund- und Profistudium an der Astrologieschule Ernst Ott und Eva Stangenberg in Karlsruhe, Haigerloch und München. 27 Wochenendseminare in den Studienrichtungen Psychologische Astrologie, Spirituelle Astrologie und Humanistische Astrologie mit erfolgreichem Abschluss.
Stundenastrologie nach Erik van Slooten, medizinische Astrologie nach Sonja van Slooten
Ausbildung in klassischer Astrologie bei Birgit von Borstel (Berlin) in Dutzenden Online-Seminaren
8° Gebunden. Stundenhoroskop und Elektionen gesamt 132 Seiten Sternzeittabellen usw. Handliche Einführung in die damalige Astrologie, Horoskop-Berechnung, Ascendenten etc. interessant und speziell bei Grimm die Einführung in astrologische Vermisstenforschung der Astrologe als Deketiv und neue Elektionen, das heisst der Einfluss der Gestirne auf menschliche Handlungen, Unternehmen, Reisen und vieles mehr.
Dass die klassische Astrologie im deutschsprachigen Raum inzwischen ein hohes Ansehen genießt und wieder von vielen praktiziert wird, ist zu großen Teilen das Verdienst von Erik van Slooten. Bereits in den 1980er Jahren, als traditionell arbeitende Astrologen in Deutschland noch sehr in der Minderheit waren, und die Astrologie der „Alten“ von vielen noch, im Vergleich zur „modernen“ psychologischen Astrologie als „vorgestrig“ belächelt wurde, setzte sich van Slooten unermüdlich dafür ein. Heute ist er einer der bedeutendsten Experten der klassischen Stundenastrologie in Europa.
Er ist gelernter Lehrer. Seit 1982 lebt er in bzw. bei München, wo er bis 2002 an der dortigen europäischen Schule Niederländisch, Italienisch und Philosophie unterrichtete. Seit seiner Pensionierung ist er Vollzeitastrologe. Er hat auch Wohnsitze in den Niederlanden und Italien, und ist mit der Homöopathin und Astromedizinerin Sonja van Slooten verheiratet.
Erik van Slooten ist Spezialist u.a. für Elektion und Stundenastrologie. Er veranstaltet Vorträge und Seminare in ganz Europa, insbesondere im deutschsprachigen Raum, in den Niederlanden, Belgien und in Italien. Er ist Geprüftes Mitglied im DAV, war einige Jahre dessen Zweiter Vorsitzender, gründete und leitete lange die Sektion „Klassische und Stundenastrologie“. Er ist Dozent an Italiens nationaler Astrologieschule CIDA und hält international Vorträge. Als vielsprachiger Astro-Kabarettist trat er u.a. während Kongressen in München, Basel, Mailand und Amsterdam auf.[2] Als Pressereferent des DAV war Slooten immer wieder in den Medien präsent. Im Frühjahr 2008 gehörte er zu den Gründungsmitgliedern des Arbeitskreises Traditionelle Astrologie (ATA).
Die Apokryphen der Astrologie sind 2008 in einer sehr kleinen Auflage, allerdings in einer sehr schönen Ausstattung, bei Astronova erschienen und inzwischen verkauft.
About Sue Ward and how her Course came about and what content she is teaching and her Sources for that Teaching and the context of her Course in the Horary – Teaching – Community.
All students begin their studies with the first five lessons. No matter how experienced they might be, it is unlikely that they will have encountered at least, some of this material previously. In order that all students work from the same orientation, all begin at this point. The material in these early lessons is the most important that they will learn with The Traditional Horary Course, or, perhaps, at all.
After that they may choose which module they wish to study, however, to obtain the Diploma, theymust have completed all lessons, attended all classes, and completed the required three verified predictions.
For the first time since its inception in 1993, the Traditional Horary Course is in book form as a foundational text for students. It contains twenty lessons teaching the entire traditional system as it applies to horary astrology, the art of interrogations, for beginning and advanced students. Sue Ward explains the astrological system as it stood in the early modern period and as it was articulated by William Lilly (1602-1681) in his Christian Astrology. He studied widely and in great depth, and was the foremost astrologer of the mid-seventeenth century. His study of astrology was filtered through his wide practice and disseminated through his textbook and other writings. The result of his work is presented here through the lens of one of his students.
The Book is an Encyclopaedic Explanation of the Techniques of William Lilly’s teaching and practice with lots of example charts, it is therefore an excellent reference work for all astrologers.
1985 – The Regulus Edition of William Lilly – „Christian Astrology“ and my Partner’s Christmas Present – 2. M. enrolls with Olivia Barclay – 3. >300 Pages clash with Olivia – 4. Our visit to Kent – 5. Being an Acolyte of Olivia
„The School of Traditional Astrology places its focus on tried and tested astrological techniques that are based on profound metaphysical principles and which have proven their worth over centuries of successful practical application.
Founded by Deborah Houlding in 1996, and initially specialising only in horary astrology, the school is now the collaborative product of some of the world’s finest astrologers working together to create an expanding syllabus of courses. Currently, the STA offers training in horary astrology (in English, Chinese and Greek) and medical astrology: new courses on electional astrology and astronomy for astrologers are scheduled for release in 2021.
The STA does not currently offer courses suitable for beginners.“
„founder of the STA School, is based in the UK and has worked as an astrological consultant since the late 1980s. Her articles on horary have been translated into many languages and have appeared in numerous international journals. She was the founder of Ascella Publications (specialised in the republication of traditional astrology texts), editor of The Traditional Astrologer magazine (1993 to 2000), and creator of the Skyscript astrology website. She has also worked as the Horary Editor for the Astrological Association of Great Britain’sJournal and the The Mountain Astrologer magazine, which presented her serialised ‚Introduction to Horary Astrology‘ in 2013. – Quote: „Vettius Valens – The first critical edition of the work of the 2nd century astrologer Vettius Valens, known as the Anthology, was published by Wilhelm Kroll in 1907. This edition is available for download below thanks to Google Books. David Pingree later published an updated edition of the text with additional fragments in the 1986, thus superseding Kroll’s edition. While Pingree’s edition should be the primary one used for any translations at this point, Kroll’s is still a useful starting point…
A full English translation of Valens’ Anthology was released online in late 2010 by Mark Riley. For more information see our entry on Riley’s translation of Vettius Valens on our blog.“
The project Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus is dedicated to the edition and study of the Arabic and Latin versions of Ptolemy’s astronomical and astrological texts and related material. This ‘Corpus Ptolemaicum’ includes three categories of texts:
Ptolemy’s authentic works, comprising the Almagest, the Tetrabiblos and the minor works Planetary Hypotheses, Phaseis, Analemma, Planisphaerium, and Handy Tables.
Pseudepigrapha (works falsely attributed to Ptolemy), i.e. mainly the Centiloquium, but also other astronomical and astrological works, about 30 of which are known in Arabic and Latin.
Commentaries on the texts under A and B above.
General aim – The aim of the project is to provide a full treatment of the Corpus Ptolemaicum, including a catalogue of manuscripts (§3 below), editions of the texts (§§4-6), and various tools and studies towards a better understanding of Ptolemy’s reception in the Arabic/Islamic world and Latin/Christian Europe up to 1700 A.D. (§§7-8).
Catalogue of manuscripts – The catalogue of manuscripts will describe all surviving Arabic and Latin manuscripts (and early printed editions) of the Corpus Ptolemaicum, categories A, B and C. It is anticipated that this catalogue will include at least 100 Arabic and 500 Latin manuscripts.
Dr. Lee Lehman – Martial Art of Horary Astrology Taschenbuch – 17. April 2002
Horary is the astrological method for answering a specific question by examining a chart drawn for the moment of the question. Horary astrology shares with martial arts training the teaching of a combination of method and intuition. In both, repetitive practice results not merely in good technique, but ultimately in Art that goes beyond all technique. Horary possesses this martial quality because it is the only branch of Astrology that functions exclusively in the moment. With nativities, we are always going beyond the birth moment with transits, progressions, etc. Because Horary is immediate, its skills must be sharper, and cut deeper. The purpose of this work is to present the technique of Horary, viewed through the lens of Western Classical Astrology. By the time you finish reading this, you will have a good understanding of how Classical Astrology works, how Horary works, the kinds of Questions that Horary can answer, and the approaches that are available to answering those questions.
Ad astrorum judicia facilis introductio was first published in 1557, was issued in French the following year, and made its way into the English language in editions published by Thomas Purfoot around 1583 and again in 1598.
Dr. Nick Campion – is Associate Professor in Cosmology and Culture – Director of the Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture – Director of the Harmony Institute – Programme Director of the MA Cultural Astronomy and Astrology, MA Ecology and Spirituality – Principal Lecturer at the Institute of Education and Humanities – University of Wales Trinity Saint David – Lampeter,Ceredigion,Wales, SA48 7ED,UK.
The University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) was formed on 18 November 2010 through the merger of the University of Wales Lampeter and Trinity University College Carmarthen –
Quotes:“First, a bit of background. We do not teach astrology as a vocational discipline – and for very good reasons. In 2000 there was a two-day meeting of all the astrological schools and national astrological societies in the UK, along with some academics, and it was agreed that the teaching of astrology as chart-reading was done well enough by the astrological schools, and that postgraduate education should deal with historical, cultural and philosophical issues. So we set off at Bath Spa University College, our first home, in 2002, to create a postgraduate course – a MA – which explored astrology from a historical, anthropological and philosophical perspective.“
„As we are based in the University’s Faculty of Humanities we do not have to consider any notions of astrology’s truth or otherwise. These are scientific concerns which don’t bother us. Neither are we concerned with proving astrology. Instead we are interested in the experience of astrology, what astrologers say and do – and what they said and did in the past. We treat astrology as a universal feature of human culture so, although most of the material concerns western astrology, we are beginning to include information from India and China, and students can explore the history and culture of Aztec, African or Australian Aboriginal astrologies – or of anywhere else – of they wish. We try to embrace all student interests!“
„About 80% of our students have a background as students or practitioners of astrology, while 20% have a general interest in the wider culture of astronomy and the ways in which we use the sky to make meaning in our lives.“
„We also take more traditional academic approaches: in the History of Astrology module one of the assignments requires an examination of the use or depiction of one planet, zodiac sign or constellation through at least three sources, which may be astrological or astronomical or both, as long as one is modern and one is ancient.“
„The first module (‘Introduction to Cultural Astronomy and Astrology’) focuses on debates about the nature of culture; the philosophy and nature of astrology, and theories about how and why it works….“
„The second compulsory module, ‘Researching Contemporary Cosmologies’, deals with such issues as the position of the researcher in the research process….Amongst the other topics we cover are the nature of symbol, the development of psychological astrology, classical divination and theurgy, and the nature of sacred space, and students get a chance to learn how to work out astronomical alignments at ancient sites, analyse astrological texts, and keep a sky journal.“
„The Centre – and the MA – are a part of the Institute of Education and Humanities = the former School of Archaeology, History and Anthropology in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.“
Prof. Campion:“Our work can be summed up as the study of the many, varied and rich ways in which human beings relate to the cosmos, and use the sky as a backdrop for their lives, looking to it to provide meaning and encourage action. Astronomy and astrology in the sense they are widely understood now were not distinguished in premodern and non-western societies, which explains why we can bracket them together in the wider pursuit of understanding the relationship between humanity, culture and the cosmos.“
„Nick Campion is an associate Professor in Cosmology and Culture at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, where he is also the programme Director of the MA in Cultural Astronomy – – Over the duration of the MA, students take four thirty credit modules and then write a dissertation worth 60 credits. A full-time student would take two modules per term. In the former structure one twenty credit module would require about 10 to 12 hours of study per week. Each module of the former structure consisted of eight weeks of course work plus, usually an extra four weeks to complete the final essay. Students work in their own time depending on other professional or family commitments. – The course, quite simply, is unique. It is the only accredited university degree in the world to explore the human relationship with the sky through history and culture. We cover a wide range of material, from the ancient world to the present, and across cultures, and give students the chance to undertake individual research projects.“
Gained an understanding of the role of astronomy, astrology and cosmology in society, through history and in a range of cultures.
Acquired skills in qualitative research.
Developed skills in critical thinking and the ability to develop evidence-based arguments in the subject area.
Obtained a qualification which stands as a worldwide mark of quality.
Learned how to communicate with academics in different disciplines.“
„The Topics
The cultural consequences and expressions of astronomy, astrology and cosmology
Collect data on what people believe about the stars right now
Explore the history of astrology
Examine the use of the sky, stars and planets in religion
Investigate ideas about the relationship between soul, psyche and psychology and the cosmos
Research ancient practices of magic and divination
Keep a journal of your own sky observations.
Look at how the sky and stars are represented in the arts, literature and film.
Learn how to measure and interpret celestial alignments at archaeological sites
„You will be awarded the MA on successfully completing a 15,000 word dissertation based on a supervised research project. – Students from some other MAs in the University can take some Cultural Astronomy and Astrology modules towards their own qualifications. These include Ancient Religion, the Study of Religions, Engaged Anthropology, and Ecology and Spirituality.“
„Flexible Qualifications and Learning (in the former structure):
You can sign up for the whole MA, or just commit to a Postgraduate Certificate (two modules) or Postgraduate Diploma (three modules) and then upgrade to the MA. You can also take one or two modules as an Occasional Student. – Some of our modules offer the chance to pursue a research project, and the 15,000 word dissertation is based on personal research, worked out and conducted under the direction of our expert staff. – We also hold an annual summer school. – – We combine staff lectures with classes and a chance for students to present their work and an excursion. It’s a chance to work, study and socialise.“
-Creating the only academic Centre in the world to deal with cultural relationships with the sky and the cosmos and the challenges in that process – the journey from Bath to Lampeter
-Other places with „Astrology and the Academy“ and Your View about Kepler – College in Seattle
-History of the journal Culture and Cosmos
-History of the Sophia Centre Press
-The Visions and Techniques in and about „Cultural Astronomy and Astrology (MA)“
-the details of the MA –
The cultural consequences and expressions of astronomy, astrology and cosmology
Collect data on what people believe about the stars right now
Explore the history of astrology
Examine the use of the sky, stars and planets in religion
Investigate ideas about the relationship between soul, psyche and psychology and the cosmos
Research ancient practices of magic and divination
Keep a journal of your own sky observations.
Look at how the sky and stars are represented in the arts, literature and film.
Learn how to measure and interpret celestial alignments at archaeological sites
How do these Topics manifest themselves in the studies of the individual student?
About how many normal pages will a 15,000 word dissertation be?
The MA requires 4 x 30 credit modules (instead of the former six twenty credit modules)+ the Dissertation – how are the modules structured – can the student choose out of a lot more than 4 – how do these modules present themselves – considering that the whole MA is online – what are Your personal experiences with advantages and disadvantages of this approach – What’s the meaning of „30 credit“?
The public outreach page of the Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, with information about studying with the University, as well as links to related conferences, classes, publications and events. –
The European Society for Astronomy in Culture is a Professional Association of scientists working in the field of Astronomy in Culture or Anthropological Astronomy, including the interdisciplinary disciplines of Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy –
On the Internet in 2022 about the Sophia Project:
The goal of the Sophia Project is to advance the scholarly study of astrology and cultural astronomy in British institutions of higher education. We seek to make it possible to study any aspect, past or present, of the heavens’ human significance – whether social, intellectual, cultural, religious or psychological – and to do so in accordance with the best academic standards. Funds for this purpose are administered by the Sophia Trust, which is advised by a steering committee comprised of trustees and elected representatives from the astrological community. – At present the Sophia Project is funding four principal initiatives:
The Warburg Institute, University of London: A short-term research fellowship, the Sophia Fellowship, will provide funding for one month (£1,000), two months (£1,800) or three months (£2,600) to pursue research into any aspect of the history of astrology or cultural astronomy in any period up till 1700. Applicants must be 29 years of age or older. The first position was advertised in October 2001 for tenure in the academic year 2001-2002. We are hoping to hold a joint Warburg/ Sophia research seminar in summer 2002.
The University of Southampton: Professor Chris Bagley, of the Social Work Studies Department, has started a Research Group for the Critical Study of Astrology. The group is working with several social science postgraduate students with relevant research concerns (for example, the efficacy of astrology as a counselling tool). It has also embarked on establishing a comprehensive online data-base, complete with brief abstracts, on research into astrology.
The University of Kent at Canterbury: An undergraduate course – part of the study of Mysticism and Religious Experience – began in September 2001, and a module in the MA starts in January 2002. Both are entitled ‘Cosmology and Divination’, and take as their starting-point astrology as a divinatory practice in the ancient, classical, Renaissance and modern worlds.
In autumn 2002 a pioneering Centre for the Study of Cultural Astronomy and Astrology will open, in its own premises, at Bath Spa University College. Its purpose is to promote the academic study of astrology and its practice, and to pursue research, scholarship and teaching on the relationship between cosmological, astronomical and astrological myths, beliefs and theories, and society, politics, religion and the arts, both past and present. It will offer an MA. The Centre will be led by a Principal Lecturer supported by a Senior Lecturer
Talk am 23. Februar 2021 – 17/30 Uhr – 30173 Hannover – Germany / Minneapolis – Minnesota – Prof. Charles Obert – The Daimon and The Lot of Spirit in Astrology. –
Astrologia Gallica – Buch XXI – – Es ist eine Ironie des Schicksals, dass in der Astrologie heute sehr wenig über das Werk jenes Mannes bekannt ist, der ihre Deutungsgrundlagen ganz entscheidend geprägt hat: Jean Baptiste Morin, der im Jahre 1630 als Professor der Mathematik an das Collège de France berufen wurde. Das Lebenswerk von Morin, an dem er mehr als 30 Jahre gearbeitet hatte, trägt den Titel ASTROLOGIA GALLICA, ein mächtiger in 26 Bücher eingeteilter Foliant. Sein Ausgangspunkt ist die Lehre des Ptolemaeus, dessen Werk er aber von allen mittelalterlichen Zusätzen und abergläubischen Regeln bereinigte und mit den Kenntnissen des 17. Jahrhunderts aktualisierte. Das Kernstück seiner astrologischen Theorie bildet die im 21. Buch der ASTROLOGIA GALLICA dargestellte Determinationslehre.Im ersten Teil des 21. Buches untersucht Morin die Theorien über den Einfluss der Gestirne, die von Kepler und anderen Zeitgenossen vertreten wurden, und erläutert mit scharfer Logik, was er akzeptiert bzw. zurückweist. Im zweiten Teil beschreibt er sein Lehrgebäude im Detail. Dabei vertritt er die Auffassung, dass die ausschließliche Herrschaft der Planeten und Zeichen vorrangig zu behandeln sei und beschreibt alle Varianten anhand von eingängigen Beispielen. Insbesondere dieser Gedanke der Zeichenherrschaft der Planeten ist ein Grundbegriff im System nach Morin und gehört auch heute noch zum unabdingbaren Kenntnisstand des ausübenden Astrologen. – –
Eines der besten Nachschlagewerke mit prägnanten Deutungen, vor allem für die Betrachtung der Halbsummen.- – Das vorliegende Werk ist seit nunmehr 80 Jahren bekannt und darf heute als Klassiker der seriösen Astrologie und Kosmobiologie angesehen werden. Die Stellung der Gestirne und anderer Deutungsfaktoren in den Tierkreiszeichen und Feldern, die Aspektverbindungen untereinander und vor allem die Halbsummen werden in über 1100 Aussagekombinationen interpretiert. Diese Interpretationen können sowohl für die Auslegung des Geburtsbildes selbst wie auch für die Prognose verwendet werden. Wer nicht nur mit Aspekten, sondern auch mit Halbsummen arbeitet, für den ist dieses Buch eine unschätzbare Fundgrube zur prägnanten Deutungshilfe.
„Anthony Louis is a psychiatrist who has been studying astrology as a serious avocation since his early teens and tarot for the past three decades. His longstanding interest in the history and symbolism of the divinatory arts led him to lecture internationally and to publish numerous articles and books on astrology, tarot, and other forms of divination. His highly acclaimed text on horary astrology first appeared in 1991 and was revised and reissued in 1996. His bestselling book ‚Tarot Plain and Simple‘ is a perennial favorite.
A more advanced book entitled ‚Tarot Beyond the Basics‘ was released by Llewellyn in April of 2014. A reviewer in Library Journal (14 Apr 2014) said of Louis‘ most recent tarot text: „Well researched and organized and offering a fantastic card-by-card appendix, this title will satisfy readers of tarot and divination systems who are looking for depth.“ — Janet Tapper
In 2013 Louis began to publish e-books about astrology and tarot for Kindle on He has also written the text for reports on vocation, secondary progressions, and solar returns for Halloran software’s AstrolDeluxe Report Writer and has translated into English Morin’s Book 18 of Astrologia Gallica on the strengths and weaknesses of the planets. Based on his study of Morin’s work on solar returns, he reviewed the classic and modern literature and in 2008 published „The Art of Forecasting with Solar Returns.“
The author is a member of the Astrological Society of Connecticut“ – Regulus Award.
The Basics – Layer underneath – Cosmology? – Plato’s concept of the soul – The Chariot Driver Mercury with 2 Horses – Desire = venus and Courage/Boldness = Mars – Der Mythos von ER –
Zoltan Mason – Luis from Mexico – Fernkurs – Latein im Gymnasium – Buch 18 Übersetzung
In her four decade development as an astrologer, practical application is one persistent hallmark which has defined J. Lee Lehman. Lee has a Ph.D. in Botany from Rutgers University. She is author of The Ultimate Asteroid Book (1988), Essential Dignities (1989), The Book of Rulerships (1992), Classical Astrology for Modern Living (1996), The Martial Art of Horary Astrology (2002), Astrology of Sustainability (2011), Traditional Medical Astrology (2011), Classical Solar Returns (2012), The Magic of Electional Astrology (2014), Learning Classical Horary Astrology: Notes & Workbook (2017), and a translation from the French of Papus’ Astrology for Initiates. She is a Tutor for the School of Traditional Astrology, both in horary and in a medical course which she has designed. Her online courses, Classical Studies (natal, electional, gaming, mundane and weather prediction), bring classical astrology to the forefront as an astrological system. Her Perennial Herbal takes ancient astrological herbalism onto the web. Lee was the recipient of the 1995 Marc Edmund Jones Award and the recipient of the 2008 Regulus Award for Education.
Todays Vocational School – – From March 9 – 2000 through March 9, 2012 – Kepler College opened its doors to students interested in earning a liberal arts degree that included the examination of historical, cultural and sociological aspects of astrology and cultural cosmologies and were willing to consider all viewpoints, both pro and con.
The Sophia Centre was founded in the School of Historical and Cultural Studies at Bath Spa University in 2002, as the first University centre in the world to teach cultural astronomy (defined as „the study of the application of beliefs about the stars to all aspects of human culture, from religion and science to the arts and literature“) and the history and culture of astrology. –
in Astrology and in the Reality in Kepler-College. – How to avoid wishful thinking.
Das Problem der Primärquellen trotz der Übersetzungen. – Revisionists
Ptolemy – MāshāAllāh – Abu-Ma’sar – Ibn Ezra – Ali Ben Ragel – Kepler- Morinus – Lilly – Alan Leo – Thomas Ring – Freiherr von Klöckler – Dane Rudhyar – Liz Greene – While Kepler College currently only offers Certificates, it had been authorized by the Washington State Higher Education Coordinating Board from March 9, 2000 through March 9, 2012 to grant Associate of Arts, Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts in Eastern and Western Traditions: The History, Philosophy and Transmission of Astrology degrees to its students attending during those dates. – – In 2000, Kepler College opened its doors to students interested in earning a liberal arts degree that included the examination of historical, cultural and sociological aspects of astrology and cultural cosmologies and were willing to consider all viewpoints, both pro and con. –
Economic realities of the downturn that began in 2008 prevented Kepler from completing its push for federal accreditation as required by the State of Washington. Thus the authorization to grant degrees ended in 2012.
Astrologie – Heilig oder Säkular – Die Abspaltung von der Hermetik – Der Gegensatz zwischen Aufklärung und New Age – Die Untauglichkeit der Psychologie als Brückenwissenschaft – Astrologie in Theorie und Praxis – Das Weglassen der zugrundeliegenden Philosophie bringt das Gebäude Astrologie zum Einsturz – System und Methode sind untrennbar – Das Astrologische System als Weg, um die Schöpfung zu verstehen – Die Anpassung an die wissenschaftliche Rationalität zerstört die Astrologie.
Pissprophesy in Horary – Day and Time when the piss arrived.
Henry Bate
The Astrological Autobiography of a Medieval Philosopher: Henry Bate’s Nativitas (1280-81) (Ancient and Medieval Philosophy Series I, Band 17 – in Latin
Books –ÅMÅŽÕÑ&ref=nb_sb_noss – 2005 – Temperament: Astrology’s Forgotten Key – The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology: Origins and Influence (Ancient Magic and Devination, Band 11) – 2015 – Culture and Cosmos: Kepler’s Astrology – 2015 – From Masha‘ Allah to Kepler: Theory and Practice in Medieval and Renaissance Astrology – 2016 – Astrology in Time and Place: Cross-Cultural Questions in the History of Astrology – 2021 – Unveiling the Hidden – Anticipating the Future: Divinatory Practices Among Jews Between Qumran and the Modern Period (Prognostication in History, Band 5) –
Heiresis (Sect) – How do we know what we know about the traditions we use? – Robert Schmidt’s premise, following the late David Pingree’s conjecture, is that Hellenistic astrology was established by one person or a small group of people.
Sue Ward (2011) – Das Fundament der Astrologie – Wie die alten Herrscher und die neuen Planeten zu ihrer astrologischen Bedeutung kamen – – Seite 140 – „The common sense got lost“. – Mit der Entdeckung der äußeren Planeten Uranus, Neptun und Pluto stellte sich die Frage, ob und wie diese in die Reihe der Herrscher eingefügt werden sollten. Sue Ward studierte zeitgenössische Quellen, um zu erfahren, wie die heute gängigen Deutungen entstanden sind. Es zeigt sich, dass der Einfluss der esoterischen Astrologie die Deutungsinhalte massgeblich geprägt hat. Am Schluß stellt sie die Frage, inwieweit es gerechtfertigt war, das System der klassischen Herrscher zu verändern. – Well – From a Scientific – Historical – Approach, the modern delineation of Uranus, Neptun and Pluto is the result of a very successful Scam (Betrug) – One of the biggest Hoaxes in the History of Astrology.
Steven wrote: „I do wish people would stop calling this conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter on December 21st 2020 „a Great Conjunction“! It is simply a conjunction! Here is what the man who wrote the text book on them had to say:“[12] Since the things from which to deduce advanced knowledge of the occurrences of general <types of events> and their particular instances in future times are gained from six elements, <here they are:> The first is from the celestial bodies’ positions in the horoscopes of the revolution of the years in which the conjunction of the two superior planets occurs in the spring tropical sign, happening every 960 solar years.[13] The second is from the celestial bodies’ positions in the horoscopes of the revolutions of the years in which their conjunction occurs when they shift from one triplicity to another, occurring every 240 solar years.[14] The third is from the celestial bodies’ positions in the horoscopes of the revolutions of the years in which the conjunction of the two malefics occurs in Cancer, and from the period of their conjunction in it, occurring every 30 years.[15] The fourth is from the celestial bodies’ positions in the horoscopes of the revolution of the years in which their conjunction occurs in each sign, happening every 20 years“I fail to see the word „Great“ any where here. In fact Abu Ma’shar does not really cover one of the conjunctions which later Persian astrologers actually called a great conjunction. His first one of Aries to Aries in 960 years is not right! (blasphemy!) it in fact takes 2880 years for the conjunction to return to Aries because each fire sign has a return of 960 years. That is to say that before Aries returns to Aries it shifts to Leo and then Sagittarius then back to Aries. That is the one the later Persians called a „great conjunction“. Just saying!I am sure my dear Persian brother Ehsan Khazeni who actually sits with these texts would be glad to confirm this As a footnote Masha’allah wrote:“For indeed, the conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter are the greatest conjunctions and signify events and divisions.“But his statement has to be taken in context and that is that he was comparing it to the conjunctions of ALL the planets whereas the later Persian astrologers made the distinction between the different conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter themselves, because there were distinctions in what they indicated for each type of Saturn/Jupiter conjunction!’Umar says basically what Abu Ma’shar says except in his time they were in the 960 years of Leo so he says Leo and he gets it wrong as well because he says in his mundane work on the conjunctions called kitab al-Qirānāt wa-tahwil as-sinīn;“The indications of the first ‘ām is taken from the returns and the periods, or transits of the conjunctions of thousands; I mean the conjunction of the two planets, Saturn and Jupiter in Leo (Abu Ma’shār says Aries), to their return to that place: this is a period of 959 years (thus the thousands and Umar is relating this period to the Zoroastrian cycle of a thousand years). This point of time indicates the sum of what happens in this period. At this point in time there is a shift from one condition to another, like of which has never occurred before. No indication is like its indication, no period like its period, and there is no doubt about the change, as we will explain.“ So it is only Masha’allah that calls these the greatest of all (planetary) conjunctions. While the majority of Persian astrologers made the distinction between the Saturn Jupiter conjunctions as to the events they indicated! One being greater than the others because it signified very dramatic events!“ re to Religions and Dynasties by Abu’Masar
Heiresis (Sect) – How do we know what we know about the traditions we use? – Robert Schmidt’s premise, following the late David Pingree’s conjecture, is that Hellenistic astrology was established by one person or a small group of people.
Bücher – – On the Heavenly Spheres – A Treatise on Traditional Astrology and Traditional Astrology Course – Essential Concepts & Interpretation Basics
Die Idee – der Impuls – zur Schaffung des Astrotalkkanals „Horoskopdeutung“ – Hannover – 15. September 2020 – 4 Uhr 3 Minuten morgens – –
Das Impulshoroskop – Das Augenblickshoroskop. – Drei Wege zur Deutung des Impulshoroskops. – (1) Wir können das Horoskop als das deuten, was es ist: der erste Impuls zu einem neuen Format in Sachen Astrologie. Das ist ein „Ereignis“, mal sehen, was draus wird. – (2) Wir können es wie ein Fragehoroskop deuten: Da bin ich, Volker Schendel, dem ein Auftrag zuteil wird, der mit Astrologie und mit Crowdfunding zu tun hat – was soll jetzt daraus werden? – (3) Wir können das Horoskop aber auch als Wesenheit deuten, als Baby, das am 15. September morgens um 4 Uhr und drei Minuten in Hannover das Licht der Welt erblickt hat.
Kombinatorische Syntheseherausforderung für eine integrierte Deutung
Stellium im Celleradix – Mond = Impuls empfangen, halb träumerisch in der Engelsphase des Aufwachens – Diese Impulse strukturiert (Saturn) energetisch/energisch (Mars) in der Arbeit/Beruf (Jungfrau) in die Existenz bringen – in Bezug gesetzt zu: Mitbegründer von: Institut für Homöopathie Celle – Naturheilverein Bad Pyrmont – Bridgeclub Velber. – Im Ministerium zuständig für die im Auftrag des Ministeriums erstellte Dokumentation der Besonderen Therapierichtungen und natürlichen Heilweisen. – Herausgeber der Apokryphen der Astrologie – Autor der Dissertation „Astrologie und Recht“ (non rite) – Studienausgabe – Mitveranstalter des Astrologischen Forschungstags in Hannover. – Workshop Wege zur Gesundheit mit Zuschuß für die Verfilmung 2017 in Isernhagen – Begründer und Leiter des Bürgertreff Gesundheit Hannover. – Kanal mit Interviews „Archetypische Kosmologie“ – Betreiber des Youtubekanals „Kosmologie – Mikronährstoffe“ mit Interviews mit Internationalen Experten– und des Astrotalk Kanals „Horoskopdeutung – Stellium im Celleradix auf Stellium im Impulsradix. – „Der tägliche Schendel“ – Tarotseminare mit Christoph in Hannover – Die Erfindung der Astrologischen Plauderei. – Stellium im Trigon zum Stellium. – 6 Planeten – 2020 durch Pluto und Jupiter (dieser allerdings im Fall) ergänzt.
Deutungswürdig – Deklinationen – Würden – Halbsummen – Dekanate – Rezeptionen – Dominanten – Geburtsherrscher nach der griechischen Astrologie – vorgeburtlicher Neumond – Sonne Impuls in Konjunktion Celleradix Mond im Trigon zu Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter am 15.9.2020 – –
„Seit 1992 ist Schubert-Weller selbständig als astrologischer Berater tätig. Er absolvierte zusätzlich Ausbildungen in der Rückführungspraxis, in Analytischer Traumarbeit, in Heilkundlicher Psychotherapie und in der Hospizarbeit. Seit 1984 ist er Mitglied des Deutschen Astrologenverbands (DAV), seit 1985 dort Geprüfter Astrologe; er war von 1997 bis 2001 Geschäftsführer der Prüfungskommission des DAV, ab 2004 Mitglied im Vorstand, sowie von Herbst 2005 bis Oktober 2011 Erster Vorsitzender des DAV. – Er schreibt Aufsätze, verfasste mehrere Fachbücher und war zum Thema Astrologie auch in Radiosendungen präsent.“
Astrology as the Ritual to experience the Numinosum – the unknowable Archetypes – the children of „Nous“. – An attempt to come into Cautious Contact with the Self. – The Astrological Queen as High Priestess of Selene.
Abraham Ibn Ezra’s Introductions to Astrology: A Parallel Hebrew-English Critical Edition of the Book of the Beginning of Wisdom and the Book of the … 5 (Etudes Sur Le Judaisme Medieval, Band 69) –
Abraham Ibn Ezra on Elections, Interrogations, and Medical Astrology: A Parallel Hebrew-English Critical Edition of the Book of Elections (3 … Astrological Writings, Volume 3, Band 50) –
Dignities – Terms – Decans – Lots – Reception in the Terms – Triplicities – Fixed Stars – Ägyptische oder Chaldäische Grenzen – Die Erfindung von Ptolemäus – Gesichter (Faces) und ihr Verhältnis zu den Dekanen – Die Dekanliste im Liber Hermetis Trismegisti – – – Paranatellonten als Technik? – Antiszien – Halbsummen aus der Hambuger Schule – Ebertinschule – Vom Nutbuch zu den Dekanen und Gesichtern – Die ägyptologischen – demotischen Forschungen in Astrologie im Kontrast zur Hieroglyphenforschung in der Astrologiegeschichte –
Astrologie als Kunst der Interpretation
und die damit verbundenen Probleme . Do not get carried away – no grandious speech in the abstract. – No Pontification. – TA im 21. Jh. als Challenge. – Is Astrology a Hermetic Art? – Luis:“No conceding to insane inventions in Astrology. – Astrology needs to be defended and needs to be maintained with integrity and conceding to every lunatic idea is not doing A. any favours.“ – Peer-Review? –
Quote: „I also know of no way of pursuing an inquiry into the theoretical foundations of astrology that does not presuppose an extensive and prior familiarity with the entire practical astrological tradition, and does that not immediately involve us in philosophical and ultimately even esoteric concerns. In other words, the restoration of practical astrological methods, the pursuit of theoretical foundation, and the attempt to understand the higher philosophical and metaphysical implications of the astrological tradition itself — all three of these concerns implicate one another and cannot really in any way be done separately“
„The search for a theoretical foundation.“ Here our first task is to identify, isolate, and critique all the theoretical frameworks, ancient and modern, that have already been proposed for astrology, implicitly or explicitly. These are actually quite numerous. As far as explicit ancient frameworks are concerned, let me here mention only Ptolemy’s attempt to reconceptualize astrology in terms of Aristotelean natural philosophy and the medieval attempts to draw on an interesting doctrine called „light metaphysics.“ – But everywhere in earlier astrology we find the free use of scientific and philosophical concepts, particular the Aristotelean distinction between form and matter, the classical doctrine of the elements and the primary qualities, the intensification and relaxation of forms (the classical concepts employed for the understanding of the variation of qualities), These concepts are often used with great skill for the purpose of „deriving“ delineations of aspects, transits, dispositorship, etc. We should also mention the Stoic concepts of fate, their epistemological concepts, and so forth. – You can imagine how the confusing manner in which these concepts are used at all stages of the astrological tradition complicates the stratification problem considerably. We also have to ask ourselves whether these concepts are integral to the astrological teachings, since they have been either discredited or left behind by modern physics.“
„So what am I trying to get at by this little phrase here, the „metaphysics of metaphysics.“ There is a statement by a Neo-Platonist philosopher named Iamblichus in a strange book called On The Mysteries. In this book another neo-Platonist Porphyry (of Porphyry house fame, for the astrologers here) is directing a number of questions about the Egyptian religion to an Egyptian priest. In the course of the answering of these questions the priest says that the men who translated the Egyptian sacred writings into Greek — and these sacred writings included the their magical, alchemical, and astrological writings, all generally attributed to one of their sages names Hermes — the men who translated these sacred writings into Greek were men who were trained in Greek philosophy, presumably the philosophies of the Athenian Greeks Plato, Aristotle, and the Stoics. – Now, this is a very astonishing statement and it made a great impression on me. If we take it seriously (it is several hundred years after the fact), it means that in Hellenistic astrology we may have an absolutely unique event, something that had probably never happened before and has not happened since. We may have a deliberate and unprecedented fusion of what we might call the straight Athenian philosophical tradition and the esoteric traditions of the Middle East.“
Luis and Helena 2004 – Astra Project – Academia and Astrology in Practice – What exactly is an Astrologer doing – Manuals and Practice and the problem to choose – The Tightrope-Act between Feminine/Masculine in Astrology and the Gender-Insanity – Sue Ward as Teacher – The Translation of Ali ben Ragel in Spain – Selfesteem and Self-Awareness – Subjective/Objective -Abu’Masar as an early Scientist? – War er ein früher Revisionist – Hat er Astrologie als Wisenschaft gesehen? – Wäre es besser, die Mythologie von Nechepsos/Petosiris zu reaktivieren? – Die Christlichen Hexenverfolger – Abu’Masar und Cancel Culture im 9. Jahrhundert durch Justizverfolgung durch den Kalifen – Popper/Kuhn/Feyerabend und TA – Die Summe der komplexen Variablen schließen eine normale wissenschaftliche Untersuchung à priori aus – Die Kategorie konzeptionelle Sprache aus Ausgangspunkt eines Diskurses – Sprachwissenschaft als Ausgangspunkt – Timelords als zentrale Figuration – Die Notwendigkeit einer Symbiose von Helenistic und Arabic Astrology – Die Unvereinbarkeit von Valens mit Ptolemy (z.B. Lots) – Bias bei den alten Autoren – Wissenschaftliche Propaganda bei den antiken Autoren – Die unterschiedliche Sichtweise des Saturn-Returns in der psychologischen Astrologie versus TA – Das mathematische Problem der Primärdirektioen – Regiomontanus versus Placidus – Primärdirektionen bei Alcabitius – Wie würde eine echte seriöse Beratung der TA ausehen müssen – Aufwand/Ertrag – Mindeststunden in der Vorarbeit? – Longevity-Astrology als Theorieproblem – Ursprung der Häusersysteme? – Tod versus ER in Astrology – Das soziokulturelle Umfeld als astrologische Kategorie in MA und TA – Free Will / Providence / Necessity – Die Falsifizierbarkeit der Aussage von Thomas von Aquin „Die Sterne machen geneigt – sie zwingen nicht“ – „The stars incline – the do not force“ – Zuhören / Informieren – Archetypen als Kategorie – Der Archetyp als Gott im Horoskop – Wissenschaft als erkenntnistheoretische Kategorie – Paul Feyerabend? – Whole Sign Houses / Quadrant House-Systems in Prediction – Porphyrius Houses bei Valens? – Dividing Space bei Time? – Die Gründe von Valens bei seiner Nutzung von Quadrant-Houses – Dividing the Ecliptic and not the Equator – Aversion als Problem bei Quadrant – Houses und bei Profektionen – Dance-Stepping „it’s both“ – Combustion als Kategorie in Helenistic / Persian – in it’s Chariot – Uranus/Wassermann by Zadkiel/Raphael – Ganzzeichenhäuser in der Stundenastrologie – Sa-/Ju – Zyklus und der Widderingress – 906 Jahre – Fidaria – Chronocrators – Profections – Anfang als Problem – Staaten/Firmen/Verträge/Ideen/Notar – Mean Conjunction Sa-/Ju obwohl Abu’Masar die exakte Konjunktion rechnen konnte – John Locke – Freiheit im Feuer-Trigon der Sa-Ju-Konj. – Sicherheit als neues Paradigma seit 2000 – TA als down to earth science -Robert Hand Lecture 2005 in UK about Postmodern Astrology – Robert Zoller with Bonatti and Morinus – Firdaria – Das Theorem Spearbearers – – Differences in the conception oft he zodiac – nur der AC hat mit der Persöblichkeit zu tun – Daimon als Antithese zum Christentum – The Daimon in Hellenistic astrology : origins and influence –ÅMÅŽÕÑ&dchild=1&keywords=The+Daimon+in+Hellenistic+astrology+%3A+origins+and+influence&qid=1615034291&sr=8-1 – Prime Motivation nach Robert Zoller und Sahl – TA als holistisches Konzept und die damit verbundenen Syntheseproblem – Greek words as Ideas und die damit verbundenen Probleme – Diurnal / Nocturnal – Harmonie als Sect-Problem im Horoskop – 2 different Agendas like political parties – Diurnal Agenda and the diurnal Planets belong tot he diurnal party and the are the majority – the nocturnal sect/party/planets are the minority party – Diurnal signs and nocturnal signs – Sect Harmony – Seelenqualitäten im TA-Radix – Ptolemy Buch III – 13 – The lot of Fortune and the lot oft the Daimon (Spirit) and Eros after Valens – Angels in the Chart – The Daimon binding the Soul – The Myth of Er in Platons Der Staat (Republic) – Robert Zoller’s Rule „No prediction before the chart is completely delineated“ – Asc. in den Terms? – Dignity versus Testimony – Understanding Astronomy is essential – Monatliche Profektionen mit speziellen Techniken – Abu’Masar reversed the direction – Planet entering Combustion versus leaving it – Retrograde in TA – Natal versus Horary in TA – Natal configuration to figure out in a lifetime – Handbücher der antiken und arabischen Autoren spiegeln sehr oft nicht die Praxis – auch bei Lilly – haben wir gesicherte Erkenntnisse über die alten Techniken, wie sie tatsächlich eingesetzt wurden – Henry Bate als Beispiel – Astroeducation in TA with real clients to demonstrate on the internet delineation as well as counseling practise – Do Astrologer trust their craft – do rhey believe in Astrology – the needed level of security -begleitende Kursliteratur like Helena Avelar –ÅMÅŽÕÑ&dchild=1&keywords=helena+avelar&qid=1615045441&sr=8-3 – abwechselnde Deutungsmoden auch in TA – lenses and layers of Delineation in TA – das optimale Curriculum in TA? – or is there only the basic set of rules? – what are these basics? – Morinus:“The issue is, that the chart has too much information“ – Synthesis when even the person has not synthesized his life? – Patterns shift in their manifestation through life – consciousness selfawareness and fate in process – Basics: Elements, Modes, Planets in the sign, Rulership – Rectifikation to start with? – 12. Januar 2020 ohne Pluto –
Profs. Dres. Franz Boll – Carl Bezold – Wilhelm Gundel
Studien über Claudius Ptolemaeus. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der griechischen Philosophie und Astrologie. In: Neue Jahrbücher für Philologie und Pädagogik, Supplementband 21,2. Teubner, Leipzig 1894. S. 49–244
Sphaera. Neue griechische Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Sternbilder. Teubner, Leipzig 1903. Nachdruck Olms, Hildesheim 1967
Reflexe astrologischer Keilinschriften bei griechischen Schriftstellern. (mit Carl Bezold) 54 Seiten. Winter, Heidelberg 1911
Zenit- und Äquatorialgestirne am babylonischen Fixsternhimmel. (mit August Kopff und Carl Bezold). Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse, Heft 11. Carl Winter, Heidelberg 1913
Die Lebensalter: Ein Beitrag zur antiken Ethologie und zur Geschichte der Zahlen. Mit einem Anhang über die Schrift von der Siebenzahl. 57 Seiten. Teubner, Berlin Leipzig 1913
Sternglaube und Sterndeutung. Die Geschichte und das Wesen der Astrologie. Teubner, Leipzig 1918; 7. Auflage Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 1977, ISBN 3-519-07202-5 (zusammen mit Carl Bezold
Antike Beobachtungen farbiger Sterne. Mit e. Beitrag von Carl Bezold. 164 Seiten. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Verlag G. Franz, München 1918
Sterne und Sternbilder im Glauben des Altertums und der Neuzeit. Olms, Hildesheim 1981, ISBN 3-487-07017-0. (Nachdruck der Ausgabe Bonn/Leipzig 1922).
Dekane und Dekansternbilder. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Sternbilder der Kulturvölker (= Studien der Bibliothek Warburg. Band 19). Augustin, Hamburg u. a. 1936 (2., durchgesehene Auflage London/Darmstadt 1969 mit einem Anhang von Hans Georg Gundel).
mit Hans Georg Gundel: Astrologumena. Die astrologische Literatur in der Antike und ihre Geschichte (= Sudhoffs Archiv. Beiheft 6). Steiner, Wiesbaden 1966, ISBN 3-515-00290-1.
Neue astrologische Texte des Hermes Trismegistos. Funde und Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der antiken Astronomie und Astrologie. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, München 1936 (Reprographischer Druck 1978, Gerstenberg Druckerei, Hildesheim)
Beiträge zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Begriffe Ananke und Heimarmene. Brühl, Gießen 1914.
Wenn Sie in Bergisch – Gladbach/bei Köln am 2. 11. 2021 um 12:58 gefragt worden wären „Wird Olaf Scholz Bundeskanzler?“ – wie und mit welchem Antwort-Ergebnis (Ja/Nein) hätten Sie das Stundenhoroskop gedeutet?
Frage am 2. November 2021 – um 12:58 Uhr – Bergisch – Gladbach bei Köln
50°59’N – 7°8’E
Stundenastrologische Frage: „Wird Olaf Scholz Bundeskanzler?“
Date of Birth (local time):2 November 2021 – 12:58 (CET)Universal Time (UT/GMT):2 November 2021 – 11:58 Local Sidereal Time (LST):15:14:26House system:Placidus systemLatitude, Longitude:50°59’N, 7°8’ECity:Bergisch GladbachCountry: Germany (DE)
The Background for this Question is Prof. Dr. Viktor Stegemann in his Edition – Prag 1942 – On Page 23
Page 22
Page 23
Prof. Stegemann translates into German, using the term „Tierkreiszeichen“ = Tropical-Zodiacal-Sign“ for what in modern Horary Books like Dr. Lee Lehman or Sue Ward would be the Term“House.
„Volker I don’t know if you have a copy of Ben’s translation of Sahl from the original Arabic (The Astrology of Sahl B Bishr Volume I – 2019). In Ben’s Introduction he discusses Sahl’s use of whole signs and divisions and how he distinguishes between them in delineation. I use whole signs and divisions similarly as I pointed out in our talk yesterday… the midheaven falling away from the 10th sign; i.e. it is in a quadrant angle but falls away from an angular sign. In other words there are distinctions made between divisions and whole signs. But the house is still the house by sign. Sahl clearly uses whole signs. I will give you an important snippet from Ben’s Introduction:
“…in two passages Sahl emphasizes the importance of the axial degrees or stakes being “upright” ( قائم ): this has to do with whether the degree of the Midheaven falls in the expected tenth sign. If it does then it is “upright,” and the quadrant and whole-sign angles coincide; if not, then the next best is the eleventh sign; the worst is the ninth. Here Sahl enters interpretive territory. If the Midheaven is in the tenth sign, then the native’s authority (the Midheaven) is more excellent; if in the eleventh, it is next best because that succeedent sign is at least advancing towards the tenth position; if in the ninth, his authority is little established because the sign is cadent. In other words, even though the Midheaven is by definition dynamically angular, it is affected by the cadency of its sign.” (p.33 in his Introduction to Sahl)
“My impression is that angularity by sign (such as by angular triad by sign) describes a kind of default assumption about that topic’s expected benefit and manifestation in practical life; the goodness of the place (i.e., its configuration with the Ascendant) shows the worth and benefit of the topic; and the dynamic angularity shows the actual outcome, as against expectation or reputation. So if a planet indicating assets is in an angular sign such as the tenth, we can assume it will manifest assets and benefit the reputation (that is, people’s impressions and expectations) because the tenth, being an angular, good sign related to fame, indicates that. But if the planet is there and dynamically retreating (so that the degree of the Midheaven itself is later in the sign or even in the eleventh sign), the assets he does get will be squandered. In this way the difference between whole sign and dynamic angularity largely concerns the contrast between expectations for an archetypally happy and practical life, and actual results: the quickness, presence, greatness, and disappearance of those expectations.” (p 34 in his Introduction to Sahl)
It is more than abundantly clear in the historical record that medieval Persian astrologers, including Abu Ma’shār, did use whole sign houses. But especially the earlier medieval Persians like Māshā’allāh and Sahl made clear distinctions between power and profitability to the native. This is what I also did in my delineation of your question when I noted that while the Moon was not in the MC but was in the 10th house, it was also succeedent rather than cadent and therefore could and would advance its indications.
Best regards Steven Birchfield A.M.A.“
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Dykes – The Astrology of Sahl b. Bishr